"Invoke all the senses of watching a sunset on a quiet lake in the woods while listening to the water delicately wash over the shore as chirping crickets cling to the tall grasses and owls call out to each other in the trees."
Lakeside Sunset
Winter Savings (Dec. 1, 2024 - Feb. 14, 2025)
Essential Oils*:
Additional Ingredients:
Blue Rutilated Quartz (stone)
Jade (stone)
Catnip (herb)
Sage (herb)
Rosemary (herb)
Eucalyptus Leaf (herb)
Lavender (herb)
Jojoba (carrier oil)
*Perfume uses a 10:10 dilution ratio (10 drops of essential oil for 10 ml) for a 5% dilution percentage
*Bug spray uses a 18:60 dilution ration (18 drops of essential oil for 60 ml/2 oz) for a 1.5% dilution percentage
Blue Rutilated Quartz: soothes dark moods and acts as an antidepressant. It relieves fears, phobias, and anxiety, releasing constrictions and countering self-hatred. This crystal promotes forgiveness at all levels. Rutilated Quartz opens the aura to allow healing.
Green Jade: represents the flow of higher energy and power coming into one’s life, bringing harmony and happiness in business, familial relationships, and other aspects of life. It’s also known as “the abundance stone” and is said to bring both monetary and material abundance. In Chinese culture, the green gemstone jade is also commonly used to ward off evil spirits
Catnip: often used for its anti-inflammatory and calming properties, it's also been used to attract love and good luck.
Sage: naturally anti-inflammatory, it also promotes healthy skin, wound healing, brain health, and improves one's overall mood.
Rosemary: packed with powerful antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties, this herb is also rich in antioxidants, this herb plays an important role in neutralizing free radicals and improving blood circulation.
Eucalyptus Leaf: high in antioxidants, treats dry skin, relieves congested sinuses, reduces pain, and promotes relaxation.
Lavender: in addition to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, due to the calming effect of its oil, it's often used as medicine to relax muscles
Lemongrass: anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, high in antioxidants, it eases rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, promotes relaxation, and alleviates headaches.
Eucalyptus: a natural disinfectant, can ease asthma symptoms, can reduce inflammation, boosts the immune system, controls and combats allergy symptoms, relieves colds, coughs, sinus issues; eases sore muscles and joint pain, alleviates headaches, combats stress, and soothes the mind.
Cedar[wood]: anti-Inflammatory, antioxidant, antifungal, anti-seborrheic, astringent, firms and tightens skin, detoxifying, soothing, calming and restorative.
Rosemary: anti-inflammatory, antifungal, reduces joint and muscle pains, headaches, and relieves pain.
Sandalwood: a natural astringent, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, relaxing, calming, and promotes mental clarity.
It is an anti-inflammatory all-natural oil that structurally and chemically mimics the structure of our skin and contains antimicrobial and antifungal properties, specifically targeting bacteria and fungi that can cause salmonella, E. coli, candida, and more. It's also non-comedogenic (non-clogging) and often used for acne, psoriasis, sunburn, chapped skin, sensitive skin, and more.
Disclaimer: All herbs and essential oils used in this product are known natural bug repellents including but not limited to mosquitos, black flies (gnats), wasps and bees. These ingredients are particularly most effective in incredibly high concentrations. Since our bug spray is meant to be used in excess, we do not exceed beyond the recommended 1.5% dilution. For most users this dilution should be high enough to function as a proper bug repellent.
The best part about this fragrance is that it can be worn either as a regular perfume, or as a bug spray! If you are using this product as a bug spray rather than merely a fragrance, here are a few notes you'll want to keep in mind:
- Opt for the 2 oz bottle instead of the 10 ml roller bottle. The dilution percentage in our 2 oz bottle is carefully calculated for long-term full body use. Not to mention it will go a lot further!
- Be sure you are applying this product thoroughly, evenely, and not leaving any area ignored. "One of the most common mistakes people make when it comes to bug spray is not applying it thoroughly enough." -Joseph Conlon, of the American Mosquito Control Association.
- If you are an avid sweater be sure to frequently apply this product as bugs love the smell of sweat. And if you go swimming, reapply immediately since bugs, like mosquitos, are very attracted to the water.
- It's often reccomended one use sunscreens when wearing higher concentrated products like this, especially when used in excess! We reccomend using an unscented sunscreen as unscented sunscreens will reduce the risk of attractig mosquitos as some are made and/or scented with fruit oils. And be sure to apply sunscreen first; this will reduce the risk of wiping away the bug spray, or diluting it beyond functionality.
- HELPFUL TIP: Rumor has it, if you want a stronger, more potent bug deterrent try adding 100% pure lemon juice to the recipe (3-5 drops to 10ml; 18-30 drops in 2oz). Mix well before using! Don't know if you like the scent or feel of added lemon juice? Don't risk ruining an entire batch of your fragrance! Instead poor a small spoonful of this fragrance into a bowl, mix with a drop or two of lemon juice, then apply to the back of your hand or wrist as a test run to see how it interacts with your skin, and your senses.
- Opt for the 2 oz bottle instead of the 10 ml roller bottle. The dilution percentage in our 2 oz bottle is carefully calculated for long-term full body use. Not to mention it will go a lot further!